Posts Tagged ‘lose weight’
Eat MORE Food and LOSE Weight!
Sounds like the tag line to some bad commercial for a new diet pill, right? It is not, but it may be just the answer that you need in order to finally lose weight.
I have noticed a recurring theme with women who want to lose weight. Women will come to me asking about losing weight, body fat in particular, and the first question I ask is, “What do you eat?” The typical response is, “I don’t eat that much so, I don’t understand why I don’t lose weight!” If someone is morbidly obese because they eat thousands of calories per day then, they need to REDUCE the number of calories they consume in order to lose weight. On the flip side, if someone is moderately overweight and they have drastically reduced their calories for a prolonged period of time, they actually need to INCREASE the amount of food they eat in order to lose weight.
In a normal example, these equations hold true:
If calories consumed < calories burned = lose weight
If calories consumed > calories burned = gain weight
The only problem with those equations is that our body tries to maintain homeostasis as a protective mechanism Read the rest of this entry »