Posts Tagged ‘mental picture’
Believe and Achieve: The Unstoppable Power of Thought
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
- Napoleon Hill
We have all heard the following expressions, “Play until the final whistle blows”, “As long as there is time on the clock, we haven’t lost”, “Play all 27 outs”, “Play all 60 minutes”, “It’s not over until it’s over”, etc. Most people misconstrue these statements as relating to time, they do not. All relate to the fact that no matter how badly you are losing, you only lose once you have accepted the loss in your mind. If you never quit, then you never lose. Once you quit, it is over, all the talent and ability in the world is not enough to overcome that. Quitting is a choice that you make in your MIND. Achievement is no different. It is in your mind that you achieve your goals before you achieve them in reality. Everyone who has ever won any major Championship has pictured themselves winning it before it actually occurred. That all sounds nice, but what does it have to do with you? What does it have to do with you getting into great shape, getting more muscle, getting stronger? EVERYTHING!!! Read the rest of this entry »