Archive for the ‘Training’ Category

Single Leg Training with Mike Boyle

“You do almost everything in sports in a split stance, or by pushing off one leg from a parallel stance, so it just makes sense to train your body that way” – Mike Boyle

I had the pleasure of meeting Mike Boyle at the Perform Better Seminar at the Parisi Speed School in Fair Lawn, NJ on 12/4.  Fortunately, I had the opportunity to learn more about his hallmark single leg training protocol. Read the rest of this entry »

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Sandbag Training with Josh Henkin’s Ultimate Sandbag™

A sandbag is just a sandbag, right?  You may believe that until you meet up with Josh Henkin, creator of the Ultimate Sandbag ™.  The Ultimate Sandbag ™ is a great tool to have in your arsenal, whether you train average Joes or Elite Athletes.  I found this out for myself over 2 days when I took part in Josh’s LIFT 1 certification at Peak Performance Gym in NYC (LIFT stands for Loaded Integrated Functional Training). Read the rest of this entry »

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Fat Gripz