Posts Tagged ‘Deadlift’
Four Common Mistakes in the Gym
1) Overuse of Weight Belts
Here is a rule of thumb, don’t use a weight belt until you have a reason to do so.
A weight belt doesn’t have any magical powers, it is not a fashion statement and if you aren’t lifting more than your bodyweight and you are using good form then, don’t bother with a weight belt. People walk around the gym like they just pinned Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania and they are pimping the Championship Belt. I have seen people do sit ups with a weight belt on, YES, you read that right, SIT UPS!!! If your back is so fragile that not wearing a weight belt will result in paralysis or an inability to stand then, you probably shouldn’t be exercising with weights in the first place.
2) TOO Much CORE work
Don’t spend so much time doing ab work.
Single Leg Training with Mike Boyle
“You do almost everything in sports in a split stance, or by pushing off one leg from a parallel stance, so it just makes sense to train your body that way” – Mike Boyle
I had the pleasure of meeting Mike Boyle at the Perform Better Seminar at the Parisi Speed School in Fair Lawn, NJ on 12/4. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to learn more about his hallmark single leg training protocol. Read the rest of this entry »