Posts Tagged ‘Success’
NSCA NJ State Clinic 2012
I am a CSCS (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist) through the NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Association) and yesterday, I had the pleasure of presenting at the NSCA 2012 NJ State Clinic. It was great to see some old friends (Art, Coach McFarlane, Ryan and Rick) and also to meet some new ones, including Mark Salandra of and Dave DiFabio, a professor in the Rutgers Exercise Science Department.
My presentation was entitled “Mind-Muscle Connection – How Your Mindset & Thoughts Can Amplify Your Results”. The focus of the presentation was how we can harness the power of our mind through use of Mental Imagery to amplify our results. There are some amazing studies out there, including Read the rest of this entry »
Goal Setting – The Map to Your Success
After finishing up with a client the other day, I was gathering my stuff and there was a woman who asked me how to properly perform an overhead triceps press with a dumbbell. After showing her how to do the exercise, I asked her if she was a bodybuilder. She looked at herself, looked at me, laughed and said, “NO!” To which I responded, “Then why are you doing an isolation exercise? Why don’t you train your entire body and focus on mutli-joint movements rather than single joint movements?” It was obvious that she had no clue and merely followed what everyone else is doing. The sad reality is that it is not her fault because the fitness industry and magazines have done a crappy job explaining how to get into great shape for years.
One of my good buddies and fellow strength coaches, Kyle Newell of Newell Strength was talking to me a few weeks ago and we spoke about how he and his athletes / clients never perform direct arm work and instead perform lifts which have a systemic effect on the body, like the Barbell Back Squat. Do you want big arms? Read the rest of this entry »
Follow Your Dreams
Are you living the life that you always dreamed of? Are you doing exactly what you wanted to do when you were a kid? If YES then, more power to you and congratulations! If NO then, why not? This article will help you look within and get you moving. The keys to achieving your goals and dreams are to Stop and Assess the Situation, Take Action and NEVER Give Up.
1) Stop and Assess the Situation
I recently read Gene Simmons’ book “Sex, Money, Kiss” and I highly recommend it. At one point he says, “When you die, are you going to go into the ground wondering what you should have or could have done? Or, are you going to go into the ground with a smile on your face saying, ‘I did it all’.”
I think that if the vast majority of people reading this died today, they would not say, “I did it all”, myself included, BUT are you on a path which will get you there? The only way to get there is to be on the right path and the only way to determine that is to Stop and Assess the Situation. Let’s face it, we wake up, go to work, Read the rest of this entry »
10 Ways to Succeed in Strength Training and Life
1) Define your goals
At one point in the children’s story Alice in Wonderland, Alice comes to a fork in the road. She is confronted by the Cheshire cat and she asks which path she should follow. The cat answers, “That depends where you want to go. If you do not know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter what path you take.” It is very simple, before you can figure out what path to go down, you have to figure out where you are going!
Strength Training: Do you want to build muscle? Do you want to Burn Fat? Add 50 LBS to your Deadlift? Become a Powerlifter? Become a Bodybuilder? Without defining your goal, you cannot determine what program and protocol is optimal. Figure out your goal and work backwards from there. Once you implement a plan, you can determine your progress. You can track whether or not you are getting better, stagnating or falling behind. If you are getting better, keep going! If you are stagnating or failing, assess the situation and determine why. One thing is for sure; you can’t progress if you don’t have a goal to strive towards.
Life: The most frustrating feeling in life is to feel that you have stagnated or that you do not have a purpose. Every time the lottery gets big, people go out and buy the tickets and decide what they will do if they win. Once they lose, that excitement goes away, but why? Most of us feel that we have no control in our lives and if you do not have a goal or a list of goals that you want to accomplish then, you are wandering aimlessly through life. As the story goes, many years ago in the early 1900’s, a consultant named Ivy Lee approached Charles Schwab and asked him what it would be worth to him to discover the greatest productivity enhancer known to man. Schwab was skeptical and asked what it was. Lee said to him that every day he should write a list of the most important things he needed to accomplish for that particular day and cross them off as he accomplished them. After a few weeks, Schwab was so amazed at the effectiveness and results of this seemingly simple piece of advice that he sent Ivy Lee a check for $25,000 as a sign of gratitude!!! Set long-term and short-term goals that you want to accomplish. Start simple: make a To Do list and do it. Read the rest of this entry »